#TechMakingADiffernce one life - one business at a time.
Tech has its massive benefits and also some disadvantages, it all depends on the user. Tech can be used to improve the quality of our lives as a tool or allow it to take over our lives and compromise the quality of life we are living.
#TechMakingADifference is about consciously using tech to
*holistically add value to the way we live and do business.
We can achieve this through knowledge sharing, social support, collaborations, networking and genuine interactions.
*improve the quality of life.
Using technology to add value to the way we live so we have holistic healthy lives – spiritually, emotionally and physically. We can inspire, motivate, do storytelling and educate through tech.
*build businesses or create sources of income that have a positive impact on our livelihood.
Whilst one the most common type of investment is real estate, the same is true in the digital world. We have digital assets that you can build to generate income by tapping into the digital economy that literally operates 24/7.
*amplify social concerns that will help people have better lives.
The internet is a powerful tool to have critical conversations that can potentially save lives, reconcile people, support people, create safe places, raise awareness and communities and get help.
*learn and train
I am a product of self-teaching from the content created by experts – from being a NGO Accountant for 12years to creating a whole new career in Digital Marketing. With continuous learning, perseverance and sometimes with guidance it’s possible to learn online and also teach.
It’s not a secret that tech has come with new medical conditions and health concerns that are related to mental health and physical wellbeing e.g. envy, depression, anxiety, addiction and, tech neck, and eye strain. #TechMakingADifference is also about raising awareness and informing tech users on how to maintain good digital health and wellness.
Tech can make a difference depending on the intent of each user. It’s important to be clear about our intention as we interact with tech and go online. If we can be deliberate about how we use tech and the internet we can make a greater impact and have notable progress.
So…the question is, ‘Is tech taking over your life or are you maximising it?’

10 Day Digital Marketing Bootcamp
I am a self-taught Digital Marketing Strategist and if I had a choice I would have had someone hold my hand for faster results. I have created an intense self-paced 10 day Bootcamp with concepts I believe any business, brand or professional can apply for results.