The Digital Age has radically shifted. United Nations, UNICEF, International Telecommunications Union and other similar organisations recognise and state that with the introduction of tech, the internet, artificial intelligence and social media there are essential digital life skills that we need to develop in the children for them to
1) be employable,
2) create employment,
3) thrive in the digital future and
4) be future fit.
One such skill is storytelling.
Have you been to a meeting or event where an educated or highly profiled person struggles to articulate themselves confidently yet they have the accolades and recognition to prove that they are indeed an expert?
How about being addressed by someone who does not inspire you to listen or pay attention?
People have become personal brands whether they choose to do something about it or not. This program not only equips children with the skill to create compelling stories using tech and the internet but nurtures creativity and the confidence to express themselves through multimedia such as text, images, audio and video. All our sessions are practical and also incorporate developing the critical thinking skills to be safe online and to use tech productively.
Every child and parent/guardian can opt to sign up for our subscription-based continuous program after the course where the child will continuously learn and apply what they learning via our 4KidsByKids platform. Mentorship, coaching & exposure is also an integral part of our program.
Program Outline:
a) Learning: 14 -20 April 2024
Parents/Guardians are invited to the first online session on the 14th at 7 pm (CAT) and encouraged to support the learners throughout the course. Each session is 1hr – 1hr 30mins. The assignments are practical implementation of the modules that also have an activity section.
Module 1: Introduction to the Digital Space & Digital Storytelling. Opportunities ahead.
Module 2: Text for Digital Storytelling
Module 3: Images for Digital Storytelling
Module 4: Video for Digital Storytelling
Module 5: Audio for Digital Storytelling
Module 6: Digital Citizenship, Digital Wellness and Online Safety
b) Content Creation and uploading to 4KidsByKids platform: 21-26 April 2024
c) A Virtual Show and Tell: 27 April 2024 @7pm
NB All our modules have assignments and are practical. Each learner will have an outcome/output by the end of the course.
d) Lessons will be hosted on Google Classroom. An average of an hour per lesson. The learning is self-paced.
e) The learner needs access to a mobile phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet for learning, assignments and the Virtual Show and Tell.
e) Price: US$35 per child – Cash, EcoCash USD, Western Union, World Remit, Mukuru and Innbucks.
For cash payments get in touch with:
Loveness +263 773 445 316
Edith +263 733 432 231
EcoCash USD:
Loveness Mahunyepa : +263 773 445 316
0773 445 316
Western Union, World Remit & Mukuru:
Loveness Tapiwanashe Nleya
f) Trainers:
Edith Utete:
Digital Media Use Expert, Online Safety Safety & Digital Wellness Advocate.
Commonsense Profile Link
Loveness Nleya:
Digital Marketing Advisor & Techpreneur
Commonsense Profile Link
Fill out the registration form below for your receipt: admittance of the learner into the Google Classroom and the program
Please note that refunds are given after a 20% administration fees, only if the learner cannot postpone taking their course.