Businesses differ in size, requirements and resources to have an affiliate system. It is on this premise that there are indicative prices, but please note that there is no magic one-size-fits-all solution. We will respond with urgency to your enquiry.
Business affilaite marketing solutions
Affiliate system design
Once -Off
Average pricing from $350 depending on the client needs. Needs assessment. Resource requirements. Affiliate profiling. Product and Service customisation. Design system.
Affiliate Management
Average pricing from $250 depending on the number of affiliates. Affiliate recruitment, payments and management. Compliance review. Reporting.
Affiliate Consultancy
Average pricing from $250. Covers all of the services mentioned above only that this caters for businesses that just want our expertise to create a framework or training in-house.
Individual affiliate marketing solutions
Perfect for bloggers, website owners, artists, public figures, creatives, school leavers, university students, influencers, beginners in affiliate marketing, online workers or work from home enthusiasts. Anyone with a desire and mindset to work online profitable would benefit.
Once off
From $250. Needs assesment. Best fit affiliate programs. Strategy. Intergration. Affiliate policies. Software set-up.
Once off
From $150. Needs assesment. Best fit affiliate programs. Strategy. Intergration. Affiliate policies. Software recommendation
Once off
From $220. Needs assesment. Affiliate marketing. Strategy. Intergration. Affiliate policies. Software and tools.
Affiliate Services

Amplify your products, services and brand to our networks on our various platforms. Reach a new market so that you are not marketing to the same audience over and over again.